Orange Goblin
Official Website Run by the Band
So that's 2024 done, we've played the final show of the year, taken the final flight, piled into the last van and seen the last venue. Time to get some well earned rest!
Next year marks our 30th anniversary and there's a ton of exciting things planned. Lots of special shows and festivals to play some of which have already been announced - be sure to check here and the socials regularly to keep informed with what we'll be doing and where. Make some notes in your diary, it'll be good times!
Until then, in the build up to Christmas we'll be filling the online shelves of our webshop with all kinds of goodies so remember to click the 'shop' tab above to see what's on offer.
In the meantime we'd love to thank every single one of you who's come to a show, bought the latest LP 'Science, Not Fiction' and just generally made keeping the OG juggernaut rolling a fun time.
Here's to 2025
See you on the road!

Pic: Tina Korhonen
Contact the Band
For general enquiries or questions then contact us here. Make it interesting...